Sunt un cumparator constant din online.

In ceea ce priveste achizitia produselor “de afara” am 2 preferinte dar fara a ma limita la ei: si

Ma intreb cate site-uri de ecommerce din Romania (si aici ma refer la cele nisate care au potential sa faca export) isi pun problema sa fie 100% corecte cu utilizatorii lor, mergand pana la a returna diferenta de taxe vamale. Asta presupune un control total asupra a ceea ce se intampla cu “cutia” si cu banii (contravaloarea cutiei).

Uite ce mesaj mi-a trimis Amazon:


We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of $22.79 for your Order 104-0246807-0369079.

This refund is for the following item(s):

    Item: XXXXXXXXX (nu conteaza ce era)
    Quantity: 1
    ASIN: YYYYY (idem)
    Reason for refund: Export fee reduced

    Here's the breakdown of your refund for this item:

        Import Fee Deposit Refund: $22.79

We'll apply your refund to the following payment method(s):

MasterCard Credit Card [expiring on 6/2016]: $22.79

We've processed a refund for the above order in the amount of $22.79. The refund should appear on your account in 2-3 days if issued to a credit card.
Refunds issued to a bank account typically take 7-10 days to reflect on the account balance.